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Funding & Governance

Barnardos Annual Report & Financial Statements 2023

In 2023, we spent over €30 million working with more than 26,000 children and families.

We are sincerely grateful to our funding partners and donors and would like to acknowledge the transformational impact their support has had on the children and families we work with.

Barnardos 2023, 'At a Glance'

For Every Euro Barnardos Spends

Of every €1 we spent in 2023, 84c was spent directly on our work with children and families, 11c was invested in generating funds and 5c on retail stores.


The annual accounts of Barnardos are prepared in accordance with the Charities SORP (Statement of Recommended Practice) and are published annually.

No top up payments are made to Barnardos employees. Barnardos Board members and the chairman of the Board are volunteers and donate freely of their time, skills and experience.

Read Barnardos Ireland Constitution

Our current funders and supporters

Barnardos is a non-governmental organisation and a registered charity. Charity Number: 20010027

Our work would not be possible without the support of our funders and partners:

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