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Cost of Living Crisis 2023

Impact on Children Report 2023    Embargoed to May 24th Barnardos children’s charity today launcheda new report outlining the growing impact that the cost of living crisis is having on children across the country. Over 73% of parents surveyed said that cost of living increases have negatively affected the children in their care over the past 6

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Barnardos welcomes planned roll out of hot school meals programme

Minister Humphrey’s recognition that free hot school meals should be provided to all primary schoolchildren by 2030 is extremely welcome and will make a real difference to the lives of many children across the country.  Barnardos knows from families we support that free school meals can have a real benefit on children in receipt of

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Barnardos Children’s Charity- Findings of CSO Statistics Survey on Income and Living Conditions ‘Unacceptable’

Barnardos children’s charity says the CSO Statistics Survey on Income and Living Conditions (SILC) findings on deprivation are unacceptable. The findings state that one in five children (19.9%) experienced deprivation last year in Ireland and that just under one in six (15.2%) found themselves at risk of poverty. This means that almost one quarter of

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