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Press Releases

Barnardos Issues Phase 3 Roadmap for Children

29 June 2020. Barnardos children’s charity today issued a ‘Phase 3: Roadmap for Children’ to support parents and carers in explaining the new changes to their children. Key reminders and changes for children are: Playschools: Pre-schools & crèche’s will be opening, so some younger children will be able to see their teachers again. Face coverings:

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Barnardos: Response to Department of Housing Figures (May 2020)

25 June 2020: Barnardos has welcomed the latest release from the Department of Housing which shows there were 286 fewer children living in homeless accommodation in May than in April this year. Barnardos is warning the Government not to become complacent and to resource services to the 2,787 children still trapped in emergency accommodation. Suzanne

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Barnardos chief says vulnerable children need a defender and champion

11 June 2020. Barnardos is today warning that closure of the Department of Children and Youth Affairs will mean the State is yet again failing vulnerable children. The charity urges the parties negotiating the make-up of the next Government not to forget the State’s complicity in past child protection scandals and not let history repeat

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Barnardos Issues Phase 2 Roadmap for Children

8 June 2020. Barnardos children’s charity today issued a ‘Phase 2: Roadmap for Children’ to support parents and carers in explaining the new changes to their children. Key reminders and changes for children are: 2 metre rule: Children and grownups must remain 2 metres apart from people they don’t live with – so children should

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Barnardos: Response to Department of Housing Figures

Barnardos has welcomed the latest release from the Department of Housing which shows there were 282 fewer children living in homeless accommodation in April than in March this year. Whether this reduction is due to the Covid19 pandemic or not, Barnardos is urging Government not to forget about the 3,073 children still without a home.

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Barnardos Survey: Impact on Family Life during COVID19 Pandemic

#COVID19Ireland 28/05/20. Barnardos children’s charity today launched the results of their family survey of 2,683 respondents, which found that 84% of children miss their friends, 68% miss school, 53% are having more difficulty with their bedtime routine, and 38% are experiencing more tantrums and outbursts. The findings also show that those parenting alone, and those

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Barnardos announces extension of partnership with Dell Technologies

Two-year extension will see Dell Technologies continued support of the Barnardos National Collection Day Company will also support the organisation as they continue to deliver services remotely 27th May 2020 – Barnardos has announced today that Dell Technologies has committed to extending the partnership by a further two years helping the organisation to continue its

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