The Barnardos Big Toddle Colouring Competition
There are two different colouring competitions your little ones can take part in, depending on how you’re doing your Big Toddle:
- as part of a creche or group
- or through our Facebook group for parents
Big Toddle Creche Colouring Competition
Your creche Big Toddle pack will include giant colouring competition entry pages for your group.
Entries are accepted by email so you are free to proudly hang your groups’ artwork on your wall! Get those crayons out and all the children can work together to create their entry to be in with a chance to WIN some super prizes kindly sponsored by our friends at Art & Hobby. You could win a €500 voucher and a special prize for each individual child.
To enter simply photograph your completed entry page and email it to us at [email protected] no later than Monday 7th July 2025.
Big Toddle Facebook group competition
If you are taking part in Barnardos Big Toddle at Home through Facebook or Instagram, your pack will include an individual colouring competition page for each child you register.
To enter post a photo of your child’s completed colouring page in the Big Toddle Facebook group to be in with a chance to WIN a €150 voucher, also thanks to our friends at Art & Hobby. Entries must be shared in the Facebook group no later than Monday 7th July 2025.
Our sincere thanks to our Big Toddle Colouring Competition prize sponsor for their continued support.
Big Toddle Colouring Competition Terms & Conditions
- Participation in this competition constitutes acceptance of these conditions of entry.
- Entry is open only to groups or individuals registered as participating in Barnardos Big Toddle.
- How to enter:
- If you are participating as part of a creche or group, please send a photo or scanned image of your final colouring picture to [email protected] along with the group/parents name and contact details.
- If you are taking part as a parent/guardian as part of Facebook Big Toddle at Home, entry must be made by sharing a photo/s of your child/s completed colouring page in the closed Big Toddle Facebook Group.
- Entries for both competitions will be accepted up to 5pm on Monday 7th July 2025. Judge’s decision is final and winners will be notified within 7 days of the closing date.
- Prizes for the group competition (open to participating creches, playgroups, pre-schools, Montessori or community groups) is a €500 Art & Hobby voucher. Each participating child in the winning group will also receive a special prize.
- The prize for the Big Toddle At Home competition, open to families registered through Facebook, will be a €150 Art & Hobby voucher.