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Leave a Legacy

Leave a Legacy

Pass it on. Include a gift in your Will

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Thank you for considering supporting Barnardos Ireland with a gift in your Will

Hi, I’m Ciara McGowan and I’m the Legacies Manager at Barnardos in Ireland. You can contact me via email to [email protected] or give me a call on 01 7080 469.

Barnardos Ireland has been working tirelessly since 1962 to support children, and their families and communities, who have been facing adversity. We have learned how trauma impacts these children, and how left unsupported, can lead to unfavourable outcomes later in life and pass down through future generations.

Our vision is that every child is able to reach their full potential, to give them the best chance at life. We are so grateful to have so many kind supporters who share that vision and enable us to do the work that we do.

Last year, we were able to help over 26,000 children and families. I wish I could tell you that the numbers seeking help are decreasing, but unfortunately due to the various societal and economic challenges in Ireland at the moment, demand is only rising.

We know that we will need support well into the future, to keep doing the work that we do. One way you can join us on that mission, is to leave a gift in your Will to Barnardos.

By leaving a gift in your Will, you will pass on the security of a stable, happy home. You will pass on that warm and comfortable feeling that there is a community out there supporting you, wanting the best for you. You will pass on the feeling that the future is going to be brilliant! What better legacy to leave behind?

We fully understand that this is a very important and personal decision. If you wanted to have a chat in confidence to get some more information, please do give me a call on 01 7080 469 or email me.

Perhaps you would like to organise a visit to one of our centres, to see the impact that donations like yours are currently having. I would be more than happy to organise that for you.

Rest assured that you are under no obligation and your intentions can change at any time.

Why should I make a Will?

Having an up-to-date Will is the only way to make sure that your family and friends, as well as any charities you care about, are provided for. Without a Will, the State decides what happens to your assets. It’s a good idea to review your Will from time to time, as circumstances do change.

Do I need a solicitor?

We would strongly advise that you do enlist the services of a solicitor to make sure that everything is as it should be. They will be able to let you know about the different types of gifts that you can leave as well as helping you to make any changes that you wish to make to your existing Will. 

Is it expensive or difficult to make a Will?

Prices can vary across solicitor’s practices; don’t be afraid to shop around or ask for a quote!

Can I amend my Will if I already have one?

Of course! Let your solicitor know that you would like to add a codicil to your Will and they can help you with that. Changes need to be signed and dated, and witnessed, as you would have done while making the original document.

Can a small amount really make a lasting difference?

Of course! To give you an idea; a gift of €100 can feed a child at one of our breakfast clubs for a year, a gift of €13,215 could ensure that 5 children and their parents could receive early intervention services throughout the year. Every cent makes a difference to the children in need of our services and contributes towards offering them the chance of a better future.

What will my gift go towards?

You can choose a particular area of Barnardos’ services where you would like your gift to be used, or you can contribute to our National fund which allows us to identify which services would benefit the most at that time.

Barnardos offer a variety of services for vulnerable children and their families; including breakfast clubs which make sure children have full tummies before heading to school, our family support service which helps families plan how best to support a child’s welfare, our friendship groups which equip children with the skills they need to develop and maintain friendships, among others.

See a list of all our Barnardos’ services.

Are my donations exempt from tax?

Barnardos is a charity registered with Revenue, therefore any gifts left in wills are exempt from tax. That means 100% of your donation will go towards children facing adversity all over Ireland.

If you have any other questions, or would like to chat further about possibly leaving a gift in your Will to Barnardos, call Ciara McGowan on 01 7080 469 or send an email

Please accept our sincere condolences on losing someone you held dear.

If you would like to ensure that your friend or loved-one’s values carry on, what better gift to give in their honour, than a donation to a charity they cared for?

A donation in lieu of flowers is a beautiful way to ensure that loved one’s legacy lives on.

Any gift, large or small, is gratefully appreciated and will really go a long way in creating better opportunities for vulnerable children all over Ireland.

You can make a donation here, or by calling 01 7080 429.

Please let us know if you would like to receive a card in acknowledgement of your donation, that you can pass on to the family or loved one of the person who has meant so much to you. 

When you pledge to leave a gift in your Will to Barnardos, we understand that you are trusting us with your hopes for children all over Ireland, and to ensure your values and beliefs live on.

We value your trust in us, and in return we promise;

  1. To follow the Statement of Recommended Practice for Financial Reporting by Charities (SORP) standard, which is recommended by the Accounting Standards Board (ASB).
  2. To promote best practice in fundraising and adhere to the Charities Regulator Statement of Guiding Principles for Fundraising.
  3. To make sure our annual reports are available to view at all times on our website here
  4. To respect your privacy and recognise your Will is a personal document. We don’t expect you to share this information with us and will never ask you to. We are fully compliant with the Data Protection Actsand treat all information you provide to us as confidential.
  5. To give you as much choice as possible about how and where your gift will be used. If you decide to leave this to our discretion, it will be used in a wise, considered and cost-effective way to benefit children and families.
  6. to respect your right to change your mind about your intentions or leaving gift in your Will to Barnardos.

You don’t need to let us know if you have left a gift in your Will. But if you choose to, we would like to express our gratitude, let you know about our work and invite you to events of interest to you. We would also like to give you the opportunity to be involved with our work, as much or as little, if you wish to do so.

Please get in touch with Ciara McGowan, Legacy Manager on 01 7080 469 or send me an email if you would like more information on any aspect of our work, to organise a visit to one of our projects or to talk about leaving a gift in your Will.

Our Charity Name and details:

Barnardos Ireland
4 Christchurch Square
Dublin 8
D08 DT63

Our Charity No. 20010027

Our Revenue CHY No. 6015

For any further information, you can phone Ciara McGowan on 01 7080 469 or send her an email here

Where to send a bequest:

We would appreciate if you might notify our office if a gift has been included in a client’s Will. We ask this so that we can update our records accordingly on our system to ensure that no further correspondence is sent, as this can be quite upsetting for the family suffering the loss.

By Electronic Funds Transfer

  • Allied Irish Banks PLC
  • IBAN: IE69 AIBK 932086 75811191
  • Swift/Bic No: AIBKIE2D

Please include the deceased’s name in the reference so that we can receipt and acknowledge accordingly.

By Cheques

Cheques can be made payable to Barnardos Ireland and can be sent for the attention of Ciara McGowan, Legacy Manager, at our registered offices at 4 Christchurch Square, Dublin 8, D08 DT63. 

If possible, we would also appreciate if you could send us the following details to our office:

  • the full name and title of the deceased
  • their last address and the date of death
  • the executor’s name and contact details
  • any information about the reason for the legacy 

Please note that as a charitable organisation registered with Revenue, all gifts are exempt from tax. 

Gifts can come in all shapes and sizes. Big ones, small ones and the ones in between.

The most common are:

  • A pecuniary gift; this is a specific sum of money you may decide to donate
  • A residuary gift; this is a percentage of the value of your estate. It could be anything from 1% to 100%, that choice is yours. Rest assured that every cent we receive is gratefully appreciated and will be put to use where it’s needed the most.

What I Hope To Pass On With A Gift To Barnardos In My Will” – Gráinne O’Kelly

Get in touch

Contact via email to [email protected] or call on 01 7080 469
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