Be a Monthly Giver
What would your money do?
We see every day working with vulnerable children and families how demand is growing for our services.
The cost of living crisis means that costs are growing too.
€8* a month...
€15* a month...
€21* a month...
Why donate monthly?
Enables Barnardos to make long-term pans to improve the lives of vulnerable children
Less administration costs, which means more money going towards out goals of helping vulnerable children
If immediate response is crucial, we aim to create significant, long-term change in the lives of children in Ireland
What others have said…
"I like to think that in some small way I am helping at least one child to have a better quality of life”
“I think every child deserves a childhood where they can live a normal life, secure in the knowledge that they are loved and cared for, and not have to worry about being hungry or neglected”
"I come from a large family and there wasn’t much to go around, so I understand the challenges of what some of these children may be going through”
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