29 June 2020. Barnardos children’s charity today issued a ‘Phase 3: Roadmap for Children’ to support parents and carers in explaining the new changes to their children.
Key reminders and changes for children are:
- Playschools: Pre-schools & crèche’s will be opening, so some younger children will be able to see their teachers again.
- Face coverings: You might have seen people wearing face coverings. These are to keep people safe from getting sick. Why not ask a grown up to show you what they look like.
- Playing: If you are part of a sporting team you will now be able to start training again. And you can play with your friends in parks & playgrounds
- Fun stuff: Museums, Galleries, Cinemas and Swimming pools are open. Which will you visit first?
- Holidays: As well as lots of Summer Camps & Youth clubs in your local area, families can now go on trips all across Ireland.