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Kids vs Domestic Violence

Every day, thousands of children and young people across Ireland are impacted by domestic violence and abuse. 
At least 1 in 4 children Barnardos work with have lived experience of domestic violence and abuse.

Within the Department of Justice Zero Tolerance strategy to tackle domestic, sexual and gender-based violence, the child is recognised as a victim. Consultations were carried out between Barnardos and the Department to ensure that the voice of the child was heard in relation to what actions needed to be taken to tackle all forms of domestic, sexual and gender-based violence. 

Following the formation of this strategy, Barnardos  and The Empower Kids Project, has created a national campaign to highlight and create awareness around the voice of the children and young people who live with domestic violence and abuse in Ireland. 

The Empower Kids Project, is part of Barnardos’ National Childhood Domestic Violence and Abuse Project funded by Tusla. It is a multi-agency collaboration with services from around Ireland – and includes the voices of more than 74 children and young people to date who have lived with the impact of domestic violence and abuse. 

Kids vs Domestic Violenec

This campaign will launch across social media and national radio from Monday 24th June to educate and increase awareness of the impact of CDVA. Listen to our radio ad.

Find out more:

If you are affected by any of these issues, please find links to resources and information below, for:

Parent Supportline

Advice or support is available on our professionally staffed Parent Supportline. Open: Mon-Fri, 10 am - 2 pm. Call 1800 910 123

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