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Support for Parents Carers

Should I talk to my child about domestic abuse?

Yes. Even when parents think children are not aware of abuse, they most often are.  If parents do not talk about what is happening, then children receive a message that it is not okay to talk about it either.

Children need

Someone to talk to

Someone to listen & believe them

Someone to confide in

Finding help

  • Contact the Women’s Aid National Freephone Helpline 1800 341 900 or your local domestic abuse support service or refuge. Email: [email protected]
  • Contact Safe Ireland. Find your local helpline.
  • Irish government’s Always Here Campaign has a list of services available by county.
  • Contact the Gardaí at your local Garda station
  • Contact a social worker at your local HSE health centre. For details of services in your area, contact: HSE Infoline Lo-call 1850 24 1850
If you are ever in Danger:
  • Call the Guards on 999 or 112
  • Download Barnardos free eBooks for parents to try help understand the ways domestic abuse affects children and gives guidance on how to listen to and support children.

  • Cope Galway Booklet for parents: Parenting after Domestic Violence and Abuse.
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