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Parenting Courses

Barnardos national database of parenting courses provides information for parents hoping to attend a parenting course in their own area. The database includes the details of parenting courses that are organised and delivered on a scheduled basis and parenting courses that are delivered by request. The database can be searched by location, by theme and to who the programme is targeted.

If you deliver parenting courses and would like the details of the courses you provide to be included in the future, please email [email protected] for further details.


This database is maintained by Barnardos Library & Information Service for information purposes only. Inclusion of an organisation’s details in the database, does not constitute or imply an endorsement or recommendation by Barnardos. While every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information provided, no liability is accepted by Barnardos for any errors. These courses are provided by private providers and owing to this, a cost will be incurred for course participation. Inclusion of an organisation’s details in the database, does not constitute or imply an endorsement or recommendation by Barnardos.

Search for a Parenting Course

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Effective Parenting of Self and Children

Understanding our response. Aims to support individuals about the importance of relationships within family and community and how compassion and understanding the intention of behaviour brigs about personal change sand conflict resolution.

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Dublin 12 Strengthening Families Programme

The programme aims to support parents and their children to: Address challenging behaviour within the family environment; Increase the levels of effective communication between parents and their children; Develop a number of key parenting skills to support improved relationships with their children.

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Conscious Parenting

To understand what is motivating the child’s behaviour. Learn to look at what is behind the behaviour, the feelings and needs of the child; Develop the ability to see things from the child’s perspective; Develop more awareness and consciousness about what is really going on in our relationship with our child and in relationship with self while we parent; Develop understanding and skills in emphatic listening; Learn more about anger, what is really going on when someone is angry, triggers, about what happens in the brain when someone is angry, and how to respond to anger in the child and/or in the parent; Understanding self compassion, learn how this can help and support us in our parenting; Learning about how our own childhood can impact on how we are in close relationships in adulthood and how it can influence how we parent; Exploring our strengths as a parent, and also looking at what we want for our children – a manifesto for parenting. Within the course/workshop there will be presentations, big group exercises, small group work and lots of opportunities for sharing and exploring your own personal parenting challenges.

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